Citizens with strong national ties willing to die for countrymen

In a study, to appear in “Psychological Science,” Bill Swann, professor of psychology, found that “fused” people, those who feel a sense of oneness with their group, are not only willing, but eager to hurtle themselves in front of the speeding trolley to save their fellow countrymen.
Using different variations of the “Trolley Problem,” a moral dilemma that’s been around since 1967, Swann and his team of researchers examined how more than 500 college students in Spain would respond to questions of self-sacrifice. Based on students’ answers to the online questionnaires, the researchers identified 38 percent of the respondents as “fused” with Spain. They found that 75 percent of fused Spaniards said they would jump to their deaths to save five of their compatriots.
Not only were they willing to die for their group, the majority of fused respondents said they were also willing to push aside a fellow group member who was poised to commit the same self-sacrificial act so they, themselves, could save the group.
Swann says fused people commonly see themselves as the strongest, bravest group members. This team-captain mentality could drive them to commit heroic acts, Swann said.
“One of the characteristics of fused persons is that they draw strength from their group because for them, the self and the group are one,” Swann says. “This means they will have — or at least think they have — an additional source of strength relative to non-fused persons, who tend to think of themselves as relatively independent of the group.”
Although identity fusion can lead to positive consequences such as devotion to a career or family, Swann said it could also have negative effects, especially for veterans returning from fighting abroad who are struggling to assimilate back into their homes and families. To illustrate this point, Swann refers to “The Hurt Locker,” a film about a soldier who was so fused with his military unit that he couldn’t reconnect with his wife and children after returning home from his tour in Iraq.
“Our research on fusion is just beginning, but if I were forced to speculate I’d point out that people are rarely fused with more than one entity,” Swann notes. “This means that if someone is fused with their career or their sport or their art, they may be unwilling to allow time for their relationships or other pursuits that we think of making for a well-rounded life.”
He hopes the research can ulimately help returning soldiers.
“The military has a real problem because the very processes that soldiers need for combat, such as fusion with their company, tend to estrange these soldiers from their families when they return,” Swann says.
To help servicemen and women succeed in the battlefield and civilian life, Swann says the U.S. military should work on strategies for creating fusion and shifting the target of the fusion from one entity (the company or the family) to another (the family or company).
More research is necessary to determine the origins of fusion. Swann’s further research is looking at how physical arousal, spurred by strenuous exercises, boosts identity fusion.
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