Hans Boas’ (Germanic Studies) research on Texas German was featured in the July issue of Texas Monthly.
David Buss’ (Psychology) research was cited in a July 31 PBS Newshour story titled “Gaming Mr. Darcy: What Jane Austen Teaches Us about Economics.”
Jennifer Ebbeler (Classics) shared insight into the benefits of a flipped classroom in a July 22 Chronicle of Higher Education story titled “Introduction to Ancient Rome, the Flipped Version.”
The Economist quoted James Henson (Government, Liberal Arts Instructional Technology Services) in a July 13 story about Rick Perry’s presidential ambitions. He also discussed this topic in a July 2 New York Times story.
John Hoberman (Germanic Studies) was tapped by several media outlets for stories about sports doping, including NPR on July 16 and the New York Times on July 12.
Jacqueline Jones (History) shared commentary in a July 27 New York Times story titled “Historians Seek a Delay in Posting Dissertations.”
Futurity featured a new study by Gabrielle Russo and Liza Shapiro (Anthropology), which found that a mysterious ancient ape did not walk on two legs like a human.
Bloomberg tapped Faegheh Shirazi’s (Middle Eastern Studies) expertise for a July 18 story about dress-code standards for women in Iran.
Kurt Weyland (Government) published a July 15 op-ed in The Atlantic about democracy in Latin America.
Sandra Black (Economics) was tapped by Parade magazine for commentary about birth order in a June 22 story titled “The Science of Siblings.”
Terri Givens (Government) explained why universities should not run like a business in a June 3 Inside Higher Education op-ed.
Jennifer Glass’ (Sociology) research on telecommuting was featured in a June 19 NBC News story titled “Working from Home? Boss May Still Be Peeking Over Your Shoulder.”
A new study by Sam Gosling (Psychology), which mapped entrepreneurial spirit in the United States, Great Britain and Germany, was featured in a June 4 Futurity story.
Several media outlets, including USA Today, MSNBC, and Los Angeles Times, tapped James Henson’s (Government/Liberal Arts Instructional Technology Services) expertise for stories about Wendy Davis’ filibuster in the Texas legislature.
Deborah Paradez (English) published a poem titled “The Gulf, 1987” in the New York Times on June 6.
The newly launched “What Jane Saw” website was featured in a May 24 New York Times story. The online art gallery, created by Janine Barchas (English), is an online reconstruction of a famous art exhibit visited by novelist Jane Austen on May 24, 1813. The website amassed more than 30,000 visitors the week after its debut.
Hans Boas’ (Linguistics) research on the rapidly fading Texas German dialect was featured on NPR May 19 and on the BBC May 15. The BBC story was the most-watched and shared online story of the day. It was shared more than 13,000 times on Facebook and Twitter, and watched more than 300,000 times.
H.W. Brands’ (History) research on Franklin Roosevelt was featured in a May 11 C-Span story.
TIME tapped Kate Brooks’ (Liberal Arts Career Services) expertise for a May 21 story titled “What Graduation Speeches Should Say but Don’t.
Virginia Garrard Burnett (History) shared commentary on Guatemala’s history of genocide and injustice in a May 20 CNN News Radio story.
Robert Hummer’s (Sociology/Population Research Center) research on Mexican-American health and mortality was featured in a May 18 New York Times story titled “The Health Toll of Immigration.”
Art Markman (Psychology) shared insight into the personality traits that predispose people to creative thinking in a May 14 Fast Company story.
Discovery News featured James Pennebaker’s (Psychology) new classroom technology platform in a May 6 story titled “Discussion Stuck? Virtual Mediator Aims to Help.”
Juan Salinas (Psychology) discussed the link between obesity and ADHD in a May 20 Scientific American story.
Steve Trejo’s (Economics) research was featured in a May 6 Reuters story about the future of Hispanic identity in the United States.
In response to the elementary school shooting in Newton, Conn., Zachary Elkins (Government) published an op-ed in the New York Times on April 4 about restricting gun rights.
Jim Henson (Government) speculated on Julian Castro’s possible run for Texas Governor in an April 15 Daily Beast story.
LTC Joseph Kopser’s (ROTC) new ride-sharing company “RideScout” was featured in an April 29 Atlantic story.
NPR tapped James Pennebaker’s (Psychology) language analysis expertise for an April 1 story about emotional words through a century of literature.
Jeremi Suri (History) published an op-ed in The New York Times on April 12 regarding the option to destroy North Korean missiles before they are launched.
Mark Warr (Sociology) was quoted in an April 14 Associated Press story about the public perception of crime and mass shootings in the United States.
H.W. Brands (History) discussed the challenges of biography research in the digital age in a March 12 New York Times story.
Liberal Arts student Ali Breland (Plan II Honors/Philosophy) states the case against concealed handguns on campus in a March 25 Christian Science Monitor op-ed.
Forbes tapped Kate Brooks’ (Liberal Arts Career Services) expertise for a March 4 story about how to become a successful young leader in the workplace.
Virginia Garrard-Burnett (Religious Studies/History) shared commentary about Pope Francis in several media outlets including the New York Times, Washington Post and CNN.
Jennifer Glass (Sociology/Population Research Center) published a March 7 op-ed in the New York Times about the value of telecommuting.
Recent findings from James Henson’s (Government/Liberal Arts Instructional Technology Services) Texas Politics Project/Texas Tribune poll were featured in a March 26 Texas Monthly story about the majority of Texans supporting same-sex marriage.
Dan Hamermesh (Economics) commented on President Obama’s minimum wage plan in a Feb. 13 Associated Press story.
Lars Hinrichs (English) shared commentary on the proper use of Jamaican English in a Feb. 1 National Geographic story about Super Bowl ads.
Results from Jim Henson’s (Government/Liberal Arts Instructional Technology Services) Texas Politics Project/Texas Tribune poll were featured in a Feb. 13 Texas Monthly story about immigration reform.
Joan Neuberger (History) published an article in Slate on Feb. 8 about the technological achievements of early Kodak film.
Faegheh Shirazi (Middle Eastern Studies) was quoted in a Feb. 7 CNN story about the shoe attack on Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in Egypt.
David Yeager’s (Psychology) anti-bullying research was featured in a Feb. 12 Education Week story titled “Changing Teens’ Mindsets on Social Aggression.”
James Pennebaker’s (Psychology) language analysis research was featured in a Feb. 5 New York Times story titled “The Philosophy of Data.”
Entrepreneur Magazine tapped Art Markman’s (Psychology) expertise for a Feb. 25 story about effective multitasking.
A new study co-authored by Daniel Powers (Sociology), which found obese seniors are at a greater risk for death than their younger overweight counterparts, was featured in a Feb. 6 Huffington Post story.
H.W. Brands (History) shared research from his book, “The Man Who Saved the Union: Ulysses Grant in War and Peace,” on Bloomberg News Radio on Jan. 31.
A new ancient DNA study by Deborah Bolnick and Jaime Mata-Miguez (Anthropology), which found Aztecs altered genetics of early Mexico inhabitants, was featured on Huffington Post Yahoo News and Futurity on Jan. 31.
Jeremi Suri (History) discussed President Barack Obama’s nation-building efforts in a Jan. 22 NPR story titled “Obama Overseas: Speak Loudly and Carry a Smaller Stick.”
Lars Hinrichs’ (English) research on the erosion of Texas twang was featured in numerous media outlets, including the London Times (Jan. 24) and Los Angeles Times (Jan. 17).
USA Today tapped David Buss’ (Psychology) and Sam Gosling’s (Psychology) expertise for a Jan. 23 story about what’s “normal” and what’s not when it comes to human behavior, sexuality and relationships.
CNN featured John Hoberman’s (Germanic Studies) sports doping research in a Jan. 16 story titled “Give Lance another Chance?”
Jim Henson (Government) was quoted in a Jan. 2 Christian Science Monitor story about the “Fiscal Cliff” and what it means for the Tea Party movement. He also shared commentary on Texas water legislation in a Jan. 12 New York Times story.
Nestor Rodriguez (Sociology) discussed immigration reform in a Jan. 11 Fox News Latino story.
The Huffington Post cited Rebecca Bigler’s (Psychology) same-sex schooling research in a Jan. 13 story titled “Elementary School Bias Against Boys Sets them Up for Failure Study.”
Cristine Legare’s (Psychology) study on the psychology of supernatural rituals was featured in a Jan. 23 Nature story titled “Social Evolution: The Ritual Animal.”
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