A new study co-authored by Sam Gosling (Psychology), which literally maps out America’s personality profiles, was featured in several media outlets including TIME, Parade, the Atlantic, Huffington Post, Mother Jones and the Daily Mail.
A new study by Daniel Hamermesh (Economics), which found favoritism is ubiquitous in labor markets, was featured in the Wall Street Journal on Oct. 12.
James Pennebakers’ (Psychology) language analysis research was featured in an Oct. 7 Wall Street Journal article titled “A Tiny Pronoun Says a Lot about You.”
US News & World Report featured Chandra Muller’s (Sociology) and Sandra Black’s (Economics) current study on the long-term benefits of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education on Oct. 8.
Jason Brownlee (Government) examined regime outcomes from the Arab uprising of 2010-2012 in a Washington Post article titled “Why the Modest Harvest of the Arab Spring?”
US News & World Report featured Jim Henson’s (Government/Liberal Arts Instructional Technology Services) new findings from the Texas Tribune/Texas Politics poll on Oct. 18. Results from the poll were also featured in an Oct. 3 CNN article titled “8 Glimmers of Hope for Wendy Davis in Her Bid for Governor of Texas.”
Michael Young (Sociology) was quoted in an Oct. 16 Fox News Latino article about the new generation of radical immigrant advocates in the United States.
Denise Spellberg’s (History/Middle Eastern Studies) new book “Thomas Jefferson’s Qur’an: Islam and the Founders,” has garnered a great deal of coverage from several national media outlets, including NPR, MSNBC Live, and Salon.
Zachary Elkins’ (Government) newly created website “Constitute,” which lets constitution drafters and scholars compare founding documents from 160 countries, was featured in TIME and on CNN on Sept. 24.
A new study by Chris Kirk and Gabbrielle Russo (Anthropology), which revealed that a hole in the skull is linked to upright, two-legged walking, was featured in National Geographic and Slate on Sept. 28.
The Wall Street Journal tapped Néstor Rodríguez’s (Sociology/Population Research Center) expertise for a Sept. 9 article about the rising number of people caught illegally entering the United States.
Oliver Coibion (Economics) was quoted in a Sept. 20 Businessweek article titled “Sacre Bleu! The U.S. Economy is Turning European.”
David Buss (Psychology) was quoted in a Sept. 16 Telegraph article titled “The Ugly, Unfair Truth about Looking Beautiful.”
James Henson (Government/Liberal Arts Instructional Technology Services) shared commentary about Wendy Davis’ bid for Texas Governor in a Sept. 26 New York Times article.
In anticipation of the new Dell Medical School, John Hoberman (Germanic Studies) published an op-ed in the Austin American-Statesman about designing a new medical school curriculum that will bridge racial health disparities. Read the full article here. He discussed this topic last month at a national College of Liberal Arts-sponsored conference titled “Addressing Racial/Ethnic Health Disparities: Best Practices for Clinical Care and Medical Education in the 21st Century.” Go to this website for more details.