Seven vibrant silkscreens from the Benson Latin American Collection will be on display over the next several years in the Dean’s Office of the College of Liberal Arts, located on the third floor of the Gebauer Building.
Selected and installed by Benson curator Julianne Gilland, the pieces are on loan from the Benson’s Ricardo and Harriet Romo Collection of Mexican American Art Prints, which contains silkscreens, lithographs and watercolors by Mexican American and other artists. Many of the prints in the Romo Collection were produced at Self-Help Graphics & Art studio in Los Angeles, California and Coronado Studios in Austin.
Pictured here is “Día de Playa” (Beach Day, n.d.), a silkscreen by Chilean painter Pablo Taboada, a longtime Austin resident. According to Taboada, the print was done at Coronado Studios.
“It was based on a painting I did of the same sort of scene. I was trying to encapsulate how people enjoy the Texas coast, hot sun, with their coolers of beer, watching the waves. . . . rites of summer in Texas.”
For more information about the Romo Collection, and to view images of other prints, visit this website.